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Chai, The Artist 
Jaron P. McDougal

Fort Washington, MD


Twitter: YungChaiGawd
Snap: Breathemusic94

Tumblr: Car-Crashhearts


What are some of your inspirations? 
        - I have taken a lot of inspiration from both comics and manga/anime. As a child, I found myself drawing a lot of Dragonball Z Fan Art as well as my favorite superheroes like Spider-Man. As I grew as an artist I have learned a few tricks from studying the art of some of my favorite series' and have molded them into my own style. 

What goal do you hope to achieve in the next 10 years?

        - Professionally, I would like to make steps towards owning my own comic book studio that caters to younger artists that may have a difficult time finding work otherwise. Personally, in 10 years I would like to be married and have started a family that I can support both financially and emotionally.

If you took on a protege, what advice would you give them for being an artist and life in general?

          -As an artist, don’t be bound by any one style of art or medium. Learn as much as you can in various mediums, such as design, painting, or photography, and apply them to your craft. Everything is a learning experience. In life, the advice is very similar. You may not be able to believe that everything happens for a reason, but you can find a lesson in most moments. Learn from not only your mistakes, but your successes and the mistakes and successes of those around you.

When have you been most satisfied in your life?

          -I am a very loving person, so naturally this answer also has to do with love. My most satisfying moment was the first time my current significant other told me that she loved me without me saying it first. It was in a voicemail, I missed the call because I was ill at the time, and I needed my rest. I kept that voicemail for a while, until I had to get a new phone. I can still hear her say it as if she were here saying it to me right now.

In a team environment, what role do you usually take on?

          -I like to be the glue that holds the team together. That means that I have to fulfill the integral roles. It makes me feel more necessary, like it would all fall apart without me. I like to be depended on, to an extent.

What projects do you have in mind?
        -At the time of writing this, I have an idea for an anime-themed art contest/showcase. The image will highlight the major rival characters in various big name manga like Naruto, One Piece, Dragonball, etc. Beyond that, I’m going to focus my skills on developing the characters for the Sephiel story, created by D.M. Productions members.

What’s the best/worst thing to happen to you since you started working with D.M. Productions?

         -To be honest, I can’t choose any bad moment related to D.M. Productions. There has been nothing but good. My proudest moment was opening up the website and seeing my own face as well as my creations being shown on a platform easily accessible to anyone with access to the internet. It was a big step towards getting relatively well-known in the art community.

Who is your role model and why?

         -I have many role models in my life. My mother, Glenda McDougal, because she is the most hard-working woman I have ever seen in my short life. Even if something gets her down, she’ll pick herself back up and just keep on trucking until she achieves her goal. A couple other role models are teachers that I have had throughout the years. In high school it was Marcus Young, and in college it was Bradley Hudson. Both have made great impacts on my professional life and have treated me as more than just a student.

What’s your superpower, or what’s your spirit animal?

         -I realize it says or, but I’ll answer both. My ideal superpower is always being a conduit of The Speed Force. With it I can get everything done that is necessary in just a fraction of the time. My spirit animal is a bunny. Don’t ask why, I’m just a bunny at heart lol.

What’s your personal philosophy?
        -Everything is a learning experience. There is a teachable moment in every situation and I try to learn something new every day.

How would you describe yourself?
        -I see myself as kind, loving, and supportive. Professionally I am hard-working and ambitious, with big dreams and the drive to make them become reality.

What are your favorite colors and food?
        -My absolute favorite color is purple, and any shade that it comes in. I am also fond of blue, red, and black. My favorite foods are sushi and pasta.

What’s your ideal date?
        -The perfect date consists of spending the day with the person I love, doing whatever makes the both of us happy. What we do doesn’t need to be set in stone, so long as the end outcome is satisfaction for the both of us.

What things do you not like to do?

        -I don’t enjoy doing things that I view as a waste of my time. If my time isn’t spent doing something to benefit me or my loved ones, or perfecting my craft, I don’t want to do it. In that respect however, there aren’t many things that I fully do not enjoy. Even if it’s something I’m not a fan of, such as painting, if I can learn something of value from it, I can’t say I didn’t like it at all.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you have and why?

         -Realistically, I would have a sketchbook, a knife, and my phone. I always have to draw, the knife is for protection, and the phone is just in case I somehow get a tiny signal, I will make a call or text immediately. But in a perfect world I would have a satellite phone, a flare gun, and a pistol. I can’t stay on that island for long, I hate being alone. The pistol is for protection.

Get You - Daniel Caesar Ft. Kaik Uchis
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